Sunday 6 April 2014

Maths Open Afternoon ~ Class 2

  The last week of the spring term was our creative maths week and on the Friday we had an open     afternoon to show parents some of the different ways we learn maths in our classroom.

We baked some buns with Mrs Reynolds using maths skills to measure and weigh the ingredients.
We decorated the buns using fractions. We used halves, quarters and thirds. We had to make sure that each section was equal. All the children decorated a fraction cake to take home.
Some parents took part in our multiplication challenge where they had to complete times tables with speed and accuracy to beat the timer.
The pressure was on as the children made the challenge more difficult for the parents by making the times tables harder and reducing the time on the timer.

We love doing times tables in class 2!
Some children were showing the parents how to play tens and units bingo.
These year 2 girls were using hundreds, tens and units.
Mrs Pears was finding out about odd and even numbers with Hugo.
In the hundred square challenge we used a blank hundred square and you had to work out where the numbers would go using your knowledge of counting in tens and ones. It needed a great deal of concentration.
Some of the parents went wrong but luckily the children in class 2 were there to guide them and get them back on track!
In the magic maths challenge you had to start by thinking of a number between 1 and 10 and then writing down a number of calculations and see what you noticed about the number you ended up with.
The secret was a clever trick using inverse operations that meant that you ended up with the same number you started with.
Some children were learning number doubles by playing a game with dice and counters.

We used numicon to help us work out any doubles we were unsure of.
If you got the double correct you were allowed to move on one space.
We played arrays bingo to help us match times tables sums to the correct "groups of" pictures.
Thank you to all the parents that attended our maths open afternoon. It was lovely to welcome to you all to our classroom and we hope you had a great time doing maths!


  1. Looks like you had a fun afternoon - the fraction cake you made looked yummy!

  2. it was brilliant Nicola Bellamy

  3. Jasmine and I enjoyed handing out the sheets on the door in class 2, Abigail Bellamy
