Friday 26 September 2014

Where does our food come from? ~ Class 2

This morning Class 2 set off from school and walked down to the walled garden on the Harewood Estate. It was quite a long way, especially for little legs, but everyone was very excited so we kept up a good pace.
We had time to stop for a playtime near the trees.

Mr Nicholson told us how important plants are. We found out that nearly everything we eat comes from plants including bread, chocolate, vanilla and rice. Even the milk we drink relies on plants because even though it come from a cow, the cows need to eat grass which is a type of plant!

We looked at vegetables that grow under the ground like this beetroot, where as the name suggests we eat the root of the plant.
We looked at vegetables that grow above the ground like these sprouts. We found out that some people love to eat sprouts and some people hate them!
While we were there a lady called Jane was busy harvesting some potatoes.

We thought about all the different ways we like to eat potatoes. The most popular suggestions were roasted, mash and chips and crisps!

We saw some runner beans that looked delicious and Mr Nicholson opened them up so we could see inside.

We saw a special bed that showed how vegetables would have been grown in gardens during the war when food was  rationed.

The walled garden would have provided lots of local people with fresh fruit and vegetables during the war years.

We saw some unusual vegetables, these are different varieties of butternut squach.

Mr Nicholson showed us some corn that was purple and he told us that he had some creamy mashed potatoes for his dinner that were blue!
Our favourite part of the visit was looking at the pumpkin beds.

Some of the pumpkins were massive!

We had to look quite carefully to see them hidden under all the leaves.

We saw these lovely scarecrows that reminded us of the scarecrows we read about in our story this week. Betty O'Barley and Harry O'Hay in the "Scarecrows' Wedding"!


  1. I love sprouts!
    What a great learning experience, Class 2.

  2. thank you for the trip & it was interesting to.
