Monday 26 July 2021

Class One Week beginning 19.7.21

 We had an amazing time in the park, farm, bird garden and Woodland Wonderland at Harewood on Thursday.

Looking at big numbers to do our chick weight calculations. Who weighed the most when they went to the farm? Who put on the most weight? 
Great work team! Really useful information for Mr and Mrs Sykes so they can keep them healthy too.

Tell me a Dragon - Art and writing inspired by Jackie Morris.

Here are the pictures - see Tapestry for the children's writing.

We explored the large climbing apparatus and worked safely over, under and through in PE. Don't stand on the floor, or a crocodile might get you!

Running for charity on Wednesday. We even did extra laps for absent friends.

Enjoying our classroom and garden for the last time!

Happy holidays everyone!