Friday 18 December 2009

Mrs Holmes says a fond "Goodbye"

A huge "Thank you" to all children, parents and colleagues, past and present, for making my last days at Harewood School so special and memorable!

I shall miss you all but I am sure that I will be seeing you in the near future.

I wish you a Wonderful Christmas and a very Happy and Healthy New Year.

God Bless!!

Mrs Holmes xx


  1. We'll miss you too! Merry Christmas
    Class 3

  2. Thank you for working at harewoood school.

  3. i bet that me and evreybody at harewood school
    whil miss you bye xx

  4. Charles says,
    20 years of children,wow! And here's me thinking helping at lunchtimes for three months is a lot! Your little ones a great though and so are you!
