Saturday 15 May 2010

Happy birthday dear chicks!

It has been very busy in Class One over the past few days. After 21 days or eager anticipation there was great excitement on Wednesday morning when we could hear cheeping sounds from inside some of our eggs.
Soon we saw cracks appearing in two of the eggs and very soon after that our first chick chipped and pushed his (or her) way into sight.

All the children (and staff) were fascinated by the hatching process and we took turns to keep watch in small groups as the morning progressed. By lunch time we had three beautiful, but very soggy little chicks.

By the end of the day on Wednesday our first three babies looked more like the fluffy chicks we were expecting. Overnight we had two more arrivals and, when they were ready, we moved them into the brooder (a safe box with food, water and a heat lamp to keep them warm). This move was preceded by brilliant conversations amongst the children about what the chicks needed to keep them safe and healthy.

On Friday morning we had another two babies, giving us a grand total of seven.

It seems like we have had everyone in the school in our classroom at some time or other over this week, but they have all been very welcome visitors. School staff, Governors, parents and children have all been mesmerised by our new arrivals. Mr Madeley even sang a chorus of happy birthday to them (along with the birthday children) in Friday's Celebration Assembly.

Thank you to all the visitors we have had for being so sensible, careful and respectful during your visits. You are all welcome to pop in any time to help keep an eye on our little brood. It has been lovely for Class One to share their experience with the rest of the school and we are now continuing the countdown to our second hatching (of ducklings) next week. Keep your fingers crossed.


  1. Thank you class 1 for looking after the chicks.
    From James

  2. This has been a fabulous learning experience, not only for you, Class 1, but for the whole school! Thank you Class 1 for sharing it with the rest of us and thank you Mrs Watts for such a great idea.

  3. they were cute
