Tuesday 24 January 2012

The Official Opening of the School House Extension 23.01.12

Monday 23rd January was a very special day for all of us at Harewood School. David Lascelles, Earl of Harewood visited the school to open our new extension. Before the official ceremony the children performed for the Earl and invited guests.
There were readings by the children from our Log Books, dating back to 1863, telling the history of the school. There were also songs by the school and the choir.

After the performance the Earl unveiled the plaque in the entrance, commemorating his donation of the School House to the school and recording the date of this official opening.

It was wonderful that so many important guests joined us for this special occasion, including Fabian Hamilton MP, Alec Shelbrooke MP, Councillor John Procter, Rev. Sylvia Earle and respresentatives from both Pearce Bottomley, our architects, and Torpoint Ltd, who did the renovation work. 

After refreshments, many of the guests enjoyed guided tours by our Year 6 pupils of the school and its new facilities. They were all extremely impressed with both the new facilities and the brilliant way their guides told them about all the changes.
During the afternoon we had many more visitors, as friends from the village, past pupils, parents and former staff from over the years came to look round. Notable among these many guests was the daughter of Mr Wadsworth, who was Headmaster of the school for over 40 years during the first half of the 20th century. Barbara was actually born in a bedroom in the School House (now part of Class 3), as her family lived there while her father was Head, and attended the school herself leaving in 1936. (Her name is on the Honours Board in the library)
The whole day was a fabulous occasion and marks the official beginning of the next exciting chapter of the long and illustrious story of Harewood School.

1 comment:

  1. I hoped everyone who came to look around liked our school
