Friday 26 October 2012

Memories of Our First Half-term by Class One

Class One have been thinking about all the fantastic things they have done in their first half-term of school. They looked back through our Memories Book and chose a photograph they liked before thinking of a caption to go with it.

I am so happy because I was counting out - Alex

I like this one... I was making words - Mia

I made trees from the Lorax - Pollyanna

I was drawing a picture of Batman with Gabriel - Hugo

I was going up and down and then I stayed on a little bit longer and then a bit longer and then I fell off - Oliver

I was holding the bowl for Charlie to mix. We were mixing bread and then you have to knead it - Connie

I was looking at the fish - Amy

I was putting a marble on the number four. My two cars really go fast - Gabriel

I was splashing in puddles with Connie and Esme. It was really fun - Grace

It was my birthday in October. I was blowing the candles out - Zara

This is me doing the dinner bands - Jake

This is when I had my first dinner and I got to see everyone that I didn't know - Esme

This was me, Charlie, I made it on the computer - Charlie

We made buns and I ate one. It was really nice - Guran
We're playing Pop up Pirate and it was Gabriel's turn first and then it was all round again - Carrick

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