Tuesday 12 February 2013

Tangram Style!

This week Class 2 have been investigating Tangrams. A Tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle invented around 4000 years ago. First we cut a square into 2 triangles and then cut each triangle along a diagonal line to make 4 triangles.

We then investigated how many different ways we could put the triangles together again. The rules were that the pieces must always touch along a side and that all the pieces must be used each time.

It was quite difficult to make sure that the shape was different every time. We had to rotate the shape sometimes to recognise that the shape was the same.

We then used a 7 piece Tangram puzzle to make some pictures of our own. Harriet made this goose.

Martha made this rocket. We also played a Tangram game on the VLE which was very tricky. We had to move the Tangram shapes and rotate them to fit into a picture shape. Why not have a go yourself ? It's good exercise for your brain!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like brilliant learning, Class 2. Well Done! It is also the best title of a blog so far this year!!
