Wednesday 16 February 2011

Dancing, skating and stumbling on ice!

On Monday 14th February, Class 4 went on a trip to 'Ice Cube', an outdoor ice-rink at Millenium square in Leeds. After a quick lesson on the basics and the not-so-basics (including skating on one leg and doing jumps!) we were ready for a free skate. The instructor amazed us with his skills.....but it wasn't as easy as it looked....

Well done Class 4! Everyone had a go and seemed to improve their skating skills throughout the course of the morning. Maybe we'll try out some pirouettes next year!!


  1. Dominic loved it and said that even though he fell over 'loads', it was great fun!


  2. I was very impressed with everyone. You didn't all find it easy by any means, but you all kept trying and really enjoy it. Well done.

  3. coollooks realyfun
