Friday 4 February 2011

Flat Stanley is on his way!

Watch out El Salvador - here comes Flat Stanley! This year we have made some new friends at the ABC school in El Salvador. We talked in class about how great it would be to visit our friends and see what life is like in their country. After some discussion, we decided the best (and cheapest) representative would be Flat Stanley!

This week Flat Stanley has been enjoying life at Harewood, here he is checking out our collection of Moshi monster cards at break time. He also had time for a game of football and a quick climbing session on the adventure playground.
During Literacy lessons we decided what we would like Stanley to find out about life in El Salvador. We wrote our questions in letters to our friends in 3rd Aviles. We are hoping they will keep a scrap book of his visit, as well as sending us e-mails and video clips of his adventures.

Finally, it was time to send Stanley on his way. We popped him in his special box, along with our letters and took him to see Norman in the village post office.

Norman didn't think he'd ever posted anything to El Salvador before! He put Stanley in a special envelope and sent him on his way.

Keep checking the blog for updates on Stanley's progress. We should also be hosting the Salvadorian Stanley very soon - so watch out for him in and around Harewood. You can also see some of the other Stanleys we created in the gallery.

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