Monday 26 March 2012

Harewood Castle

The children in Year 4 had the great honour and good fortune of being the first school children allowed to look around Harewood Castle. It was fabulous. We learnt about the history of the castle and the lives of those who lived there.

In places the magnificent detail is still preserved. We were in the Great Hall on what would have been the first floor. The levels of the other floors were clearly visible on the walls. The massive fireplace was very impressive.
 We went down into the cellar which would have been below the kitchen. The remains of the bread oven could be clearly seen.
The bedrooms for the family would have been in one of the two tall towers on the south side of the castle. Everyone else would have slept on the floor in the Great Hall or other rooms.


  1. You are so lucky to have been able to go inside the castle. When I was at school it was closed off to the public because it was dangerous and falling down. How great that it has been made safe and that you could visit it. And thank you for taking photographs and posting them on the blog so that I can see inside it now - I always wondered what the castle was like. It's very impressive!

  2. wow I wish I could of gone

    oscar.r class 4

  3. wow that looks so cool I wish I could have gone on that trip not fair!!!

  4. As kids we played down at the castle and we climbed and explored all the secret passages which you can get to if you climb up certain sections, presumably you cannot do that any more! It wasn't difficult to get to the very top of the remaining tower, but you can still get up the spiral staircase to the top where you are presented with the most stunning view over the valley to Armscliffe Cragg. How I wish I'd have had a smartphone to take photos of those was of course dangerous even then, lord knows how we weren't hurt, but what a place for a childhood imagination...wonderful!
