Friday 23 March 2012

Look What Happened To Class One's Egg

This is the mysterious egg, which was delivered to Class One at the beginning of the week. Everyone helped to build the cage to keep us safe from whatever creature might appear. The children used lots of different resources and even put pictures inside for the egg to look at. Erika suggested we video the egg at night in case it hatched when we weren't there.

Oliver and Edward even made a bed for it to sleep on so it would be comfortable. How kind!

Andrew brought a beautiful cage from home for the egg. It was just the right size.

The egg hatched on Wednesday night and the children were very excited to watch the video on Thursday morning. They were surprised that it was a dragon. But was it a real dragon? After much excited discussion and a little more investigation it turned out to be not quite as alive as everyone had first thought.

Our dragon is beautiful and, after some initial disappointment that it isn't really alive, everyone was eager to have a go at making our baby dragon alive themselves. They did a brilliant job.

We have lots of other puppets to practise with.

The puppet theme soon spread into the garden where there were lots of new characters to meet and stories to tell.


  1. How very excellent to have a pet dragon! You looked after it so well it looks very happy. Does it have a name? And are you going to release it into the wild when it grows too big for your classroom?

  2. I wish i was in class one :)
