Monday 21 November 2016

The Scary Guy visits Harewood!

We were so lucky to have 'The Scary Guy' join us today for a series of workshops about 'building a powerful mind'.

With his help, we are working on developing the skills to deal with negative words and actions.

It has been a brilliant day- we have all learnt that we are 'in control of our brains' and cannot be affected by negative words and actions! All we have to do.... is realise that their negativity is about how they are feeling. Its is not about us- it cannot affect us! (easier said than done- but a great place to start!)

Class 1 and 2 all learnt about the 7 pledges for kids:

We loved:
- Always be myself (as this is going to be one of our new Golden Promises)
-Always help others
-Always resolve conflict without fighting
-Never reject someone because of how they look

These are perfect for keeping our Harewood team safe, happy and positive.

We are all taking the 7 days and 7 nights challenge- in this time you can only say positive things to other people. It will be a challenge but we are up for it.... are you?

Class 4 looked at the questions 'Who is in charge of your brain?'

Seems like a simple question- but it seems that some of us had inadvertently given control of our brains to another without realising it!

 After a quick bit of group thinking we realised that when someone is saying something hurtful to you- the negativity is theirs (usually stemming from something negative they are feeling themselves) by realising this as it is happening we are able to take back control of our feelings and not be affected by their words!
We are in charge of our brains!!!!!

This was a great session- the children have been talking about it all day today and I am sure it will really help us!

Class 3 looked at what to do with negative energy from others

Don't ignore it.... see it for what it is- their negative feeling about themselves. Choose to keep hold of your positive feeling and get on with enjoying your day.

So.... we are all starting our journey. Seeing the negative and dealing with it and making sure we only project positivity towards others.... join us! (if you think you are up for the challenge!)

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