Tuesday 19 September 2017

Day 2 - The team goes on an adventure 'Robin Hood' style!

 After a few practice shots, everyone was into the swing of Archery.
 We quickly estabished that the trick is to pull it back so you almost (but not quite) poke yourself in the eye and then shoot- success abounded!

 A very professional stance!
 She hasn't met a sport that she can't ace!

 Now... should Harewood ever be threatened by iminent invasion (by cowboys perhaps) I feel assured that we are well guarded! Quite a defensive team, I think you will agree!

 Now we had got into our stride, the bullseyes were coming thick and fast.
 So Becky, our instructor, devised a cunning game where you had to score a specific number of points as a team to win- this was tricky as we had just spent 1 1/2 hours trying to hit the middle of the target.

 It started to get tense when the difference between the teams came down to 1 point.

As he stepped up to take the final shot of the evening, all hopes for his team rested on him resisting his natural urge to smash out yet another bullseye- could he do it? For glory? For the good of the team?
 Well the answer was....... um.... he did try, but it turned out even when trying to miss- total crack shot!
 But the good news is the team toook it well! (eventually)
Another fab night here at high adventure! See you in the morning for caving!!!!!

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