Sunday 12 May 2013

The Return of the Class One 'Eggsfiles'

It's the summer term and, following the tradition of Class One's before them, the children have confidently taken on the responsibility for hatching their own chickens (and hopefully ducklings too).
At the beginning of this term they began learning about the incubation process and thought carefully about how we could ensure a successful hatch from the incubator. There was a lot to consider and they have all helped by carefully counting down the days, checking temperatures and adjusting humidity levels. All these jobs created some interesting mathematical problems, which they had to solve (with a little support).
After three weeks of patiently waiting we have now been rewarded with a successful  first hatch of chicks.
Most of the children were able to witness at least one of the chicks hatching and, as you can imagine, the whole experience has created quite a buzz in the classroom.
After more discussion we decided on the best place to keep the new arrivals and how to look after them to keep them and ourselves safe. The children have had the opportunity to observe closely and record what the chicks look like and how they behave through lots of different media. They have painted them, drawn them with pencil and pastels as well as modelling their own chicks from play dough. Everyone has had the opportunity to handle the chicks and feed them. There has also been lots of fantastic photography.
The children wanted to write their own messages for the blog to let everyone know a little more about the chicks and how we have been caring for them.
Hugo - Welcome to our chick blog. We feed the chicks and we give them water.
Esme - Some of the chicks have hatched.
Guran - I love the chicks.
Grace - The chicks are cute.
Jake - I took pictures with the camera.
Zane - The chicks are the best.
Mia - When I take pictures of them they jump.
Charlie - First they were small.
Carrick - The chicks cheep. We have ten chicks.

We will add more information next week, when we will hopefully have more news about our duck eggs.

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