Friday 10 May 2013

Victorian Time Travellers

Hold on to your mop caps - we are off on a trip back through the years to 1887. It is the year of Queen Victoria's Jubilee and it is just another school day for Class 3 at Armley Mills.

 Just as in every Victorian school, the children used slate boards and pens. They also perfected their copy writing using pen and ink.
Next on the timetable - Science. The class learnt about the properties of wool and its key role in the textile industry.
 Strict punishments awaited anyone that blotted their copy book. The boys took care not to do so.

 The class worked in silence throughout the morning - bliss!

The P.E lesson took the form of a physical drill. The children copied the movements of the school mistress. Not surprisingly everyone agreed that they preferred our modern day P.E lessons! (see below)

 After our session in the schoolroom, the class had the opportunity to explore the museum. In the weaver's cottage we found a wooden crib - but sadly it was empty.

The museum staff were kind enough to start the Spinning Mule for us. It was incredibly loud. It gave us a chance to imagine just how noisy the mill would have been for the children working with the machines.

Miss King thoroughly enjoyed the day and found that there was a lot to commend the Victorian style of teaching.
[Doesn't Miss King look scary! - Mr M]

1 comment:

  1. How different from Harewood school today!
    Thank goodness it was only for one day!
