Saturday 11 May 2013

What a Hoot! Class 2

Class 2 were very pleased to welcome the York Bird of Prey Centre to our school on Friday morning.


 They brought two baby owls for us to see which were both about 8 weeks old. One was a Barn owl and the other a Burrowing owl. The Barn owl was very fluffy and there were bits of fluff going everywhere! We were told that the average life span of a Barn owl is only a year and a half but they can live for many years dependent on them finding a safe place to live and a plentiful supply of food.

This is a Tawny owl called Rocco. Everyone had the opportunity to hold the owls and see them up close. We already knew lots of  interesting facts about owls and we were able to find out even more by asking questions to the expert bird handlers.

This is Rolo the Eagle owl. He was quite heavy and has beautiful orange eyes and huge talons.
When the Harris Hawk called Cobra came out  we were all told to keep very quiet and to keep our hands by our sides or behind our backs! The Hawk then flew from one side of the hall, swooping down and back up again, to get the meat from the glove. We had a brilliant morning and an experience that we will remember for a long time to come.


  1. That was a hoot Mrs Burnley

  2. What a lovely day you all seemed to have had.

  3. What an amazing experience!

  4. Libby says the owls were the best! The hawk freaked me out!

  5. I love Owls

  6. I love owls too Josh!
